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The Experiences
whale watching

"The love of whales"

The Orca Dreams camp is located in the center of one of the most wildlife rich waterways on earth, Blackney Pass and Johnston Strait. Humpback whales make their home in front of our camp and Orcas pass by on their way to and from Johnstone Strait.

It is seldom we need to travel by our whale watching boat "the Tenzing" more than a few minutes to get to the whales, particularly the Humpback whales which feed in front of ur camp throughout the summer months. The Orcas on the otherhand tend to travel greater distances and we see them as they pass by in pods of up to 100 specimiums. AS orcas do have a larger range, we will travel up to an hour to get to where they might be. But rest assured if orcas are within reach we will find them.

Whale watching

The Breach

Watching a humpback breach is one of life's most unforgetable experiences, Fortunatly this is a common sight in front of Orca Dreams camp. If you do see a breach, keep an eye on that spot as it is common for the same humpback to breach several times.

The BUll

This is a fully mature Orca with a fin height of about 6ft (2 meters). You can see in the back a fishing boat passing by. This boat is fishing Sockeye salmon, where in some summers millions can pass by on their way to their river of birth.

The Orca pod

Orcas travel in family groups called pods. We can see as many as 100 whales pass by. This large grouping is considered a super pod where different family groups mingle for social and sexual interactions

A surfacing orca

An orca is beautiful to watch swim though the water. There are few fealings in life that compare to being amoungst a pod of orcas.

Orca coming

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